Php Training In Rewa

Technolions is the best PHP Training Institute in Rewa near university stadium providing Online/Offline by realtime code with course material and Lab Facility.

PHP Training / Classes In Rewa - TechnoLions IT Solutions Rewa (MP)

What is PHP?

-PHP is server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general purpose programming language. Php online classes in Rewa

-PHP originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.

-PHP(recursive acronym for PHP:Hypertext preprocessor) is widely used open source general purpose scripting language.

-PHP code is enclosed in special start and end processing instruction that allow you to jump into and out of "PHP mode".

Advantages of PHP

*Open source:-It is developed and maintained by a large group of PHP developers,this will helps in creating a support community, abundant extension library.

*Speed:- It is relative fast since it uses much system resource.

*Easy to use:- It uses C like syntax,so for those who are familier with C, it's very easy for them to pick up and it is very easy to create website script.

*Stable:- Since it is maintained by many developers,so when bugs are found,it can be quickly fixed.

*Powerful library support:- You can easily find functional modules you need such as PDF,Graph etc.

*can run many platform, including Windows, Linux and Mac, it's easy for users to find hosting service provider. php classes in Rewa, php training institute in Rewa,best php classes in Rewa.

What is MySQL?

MySQL is a database system used on the web .MySQL is a database system that runs on a server .MySQL is ideal for both small and large applications .MySQL is very fast, reliable, and easy to use .MySQL uses standard SQL .MySQL compiles on a number of platforms .MySQL is free to download and use .MySQL is developed, distributed, and supported by oracle corporation MySQL Training Institute in Rewa,MySQl Course in Rewa, PHP Online Courses

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Introduction to HTML
Creating Forms
Creating tables
Managing home page
Introduction to CSS
Three ways to use CSS
CSS Properties
Designing website
Working with Templates
Evaluation of Php
Basic Syntax
If-If,If-Else,Nested-If,Switch Case
For While do While Foreach Loop
Handling Html Form With Php
Redirecting a form after submission
Include and Require
Working with file & Directories
File Upload
PHP Validations
PHP Filters
Reading data from XML
Database basics
Indexes, PHP MyAdmin
Connect & Pconnect
MySQL Create, Insert, Select
MySQL Update, Delete, Truncate, Drop
Curd Application
Magic Methods
Abstract class and Interface
static and Final
Inner classes
Exception Handling
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